(Before saying anything else, I want to express my sincere hope that you guys are okay after the incredibly shitty, awful, miserable events of this week.)
I can't believe that it's almost the end of April.
There, obligatory "holy crap I'm a graduating senior!" moment of existential panic out of the way, so I can get on with talking about the things I actually did this week. Because, for the first time in a while, I actually did things instead of cooping myself up in my house and metaphorically bashing my head against my laptop! Life is exciting, you guys.
Mostly I figured that since I now have free time — I mean, within reason; I have work, where I'm trying to make up for the hours I missed, and class, and I have a couple posts due for the geek blog I contribute to — and more sanity, I could use some of it in order to help out friends of mine who had more demanding schedules than mine.
[under the cut: fashion shows, theater stuff, etc. etc.]
So first was my friend Christina, who had also just finished writing a thesis (also about TV, if you can believe it — we had the same advisor and everything, despite the fact that she's American Studies and I'm Anthro) and yet was still valiantly designing and sewing a line of clothes for Wesleyan's annual Student of Color Fashion Show. I'm still impressed by her resolve.
The fashion show always happens during Wesfest, which means that this year it was on Thursday, which meant that she had a day less than she would've last year and also had a test that week to boot, not to mention the fact that she was sewing spandex, so I offered to give her a hand sewing. (This led to me actually hand-sewing, because she had a lot of skirts that needed hemming and her sewing machine really didn't like me. Happily, the dresses were only meant for the one-time use and the audience would be far away that my stitches didn't need to be perfect.) So that took up a pretty good chunk of time, albeit time that I really didn't notice passing — it's amazing to look up and realize that you've been sewing since 10 pm, and it's now 2 am. It was fun, though; I got to hang out with Christina, and I like sewing, even if we discovered that spandex fabric and cotton thread are not natural friends.
Which of course led to me actually GOING to the fashion show on Thursday, because hello, not only did I need to support Christina and the handful of models I knew, I had to go see my handiwork in action!
The show was really fun, unsurprisingly — it's always a blast seeing the cool or crazy things that people come up with, the music was great, and a good two-thirds of the designers used their power to strip their male models shirtless at pretty much any opportunity. A good time was had by all.
(Also on Thursday I had to bake again for my dance class, which I mention mostly because I brought in the buns I made and my dance teacher had the most hilarious tone of surprise after he tried one and said, "Wait, you're actually a baker!" I'm so curious about whether he was actually expecting it to just be awful. I'm happy to... not disappoint, I guess?)
On Friday I meant to go out and do things, but after I went out for a very brief dinner with friends (they had to run to get to the film series after about twenty minutes) I crawled back into bed with my computer and a bottle of cider, and after that I pretty much had to admit that I wasn't going to be leaving the house for the rest of the night. Whoops.
On Saturday, though, I helped Previously Mentioned Housemate Natalia and a few of our friends hang and focus lights for Company, which is going up in the '92 Theater this Thursday. (I'm excited! I've never seen it, but I have the soundtrack and I've heard good things.)
Previously Mentioned Housemate Natalia was/is the light designer, so she got to boss us around and tell us what we should be doing. We started at 3 pm and went until about 12:30 am, and it probably should've been boring, but it wasn't at all. Of course, it probably helps that I've been okayed to use the Genie, the automated lift thing that brings you up to light-height:
So I spent some time on the ground pushing people around while they hung lights, and then I spent some time hanging lights of my own and then focusing them (adjusting the lenses and the shutters to make them a particular shape, dropping in colors). And then, you know, 9.5 hours went by. I enjoyed it a lot — I liked being high up in the air and turning a round beam of light into a rectangular one. In hindsight, I'm actually really disappointed that I only found out about the theater tech class this year, when I didn't have the time to take it; I'd have loved to take it as a freshman or a sophomore, or even a junior, when I'd have had the time to spend my entire life in the theater.
There are a couple of things I regret not having done. I don't really like thinking about them, since there's really no point in dwelling, but that one kept smacking me in the face this weekend.
Anyway, that was about it as far as the week went — probably doesn't sound like much, but it took up a fair amount of time, and it was a nice way to hang out with friends while also being productive, which is always fun.
Oh, crap, I can feel myself getting end-of-semester existential again. ABORT. ABORT. This probably means it's time for me to spam you with pictures of fluffy animals and then go to sleep. I'll see you next week, ducklings. Sweet dreams.
[Original tags on this post: adorable things because I am boring,adorable things because I am maudlin – to be more accurate, cute fluffy things, Fashion Show, I cannot use my ‘look I did things’ tag because I’m not sure it would be accurate, theater]
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