March: The One Where Elsa and Anna Send a Lot of Letters
April: The One Where Elsa is the Snowman NO WAIT HEAR ME OUT
May: The One Where The Snow Queen Isn't Elsa. Also, Lesbians.
June: I Go It Old School, Take Two
We've gone through a third of 12MoF thus far (a third! halle-frickin'-lujah), and this whole time, I have stubbornly refused to include Kristoff. If by "stubborn" we mean "he was pretty extraneous to the plots I was writing, and also I don't feel any particular sense of regret about this," anyway. But no matter, because this state of affairs ends today!
Interestingly, in a certain sense, this month's offering — very abruptly made up because the two other versions I was working on weren't cohering in time — is actually very similar to certain things about Frozen that I was ambivalent about the first time. Heavy on the Anna+Kristoff action, ambiguous Elsa, trolls... This is just a different spin on those things.
But I drew the line at making Kristoff a cis/straight dude, because screw that.
And because I was having a conversation about this just now: for the record, the reason why the last two 12MoFs have featured a central queer romance, and the reason why I'm planning to have multiple trans Kristoffs, is because the central thesis of this entire project is "working within certain limitations, how could I remake the elements of this story in order to make it work better for me?" And writing an outline for a kid's movie that features LGBTQIetc. characters works better for me than writing yet another cishet romance. Because when I was a kid, if I had seen a movie aimed at me where a girl fell in love with another girl, I would've watched and re-watched that VHS until it died a grueling electronic death.
This is a selfish project at heart. As with most things that I release into the world, it's just a selfish project that I hope other people will like.